Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Internet and Web Basics

  • What is the name of the site and the site's URL?
Google Timeline
  • What is the purpose of the site?
To get current news.
  • Who is the intended audience?
Anybody who wants to read the news.
  • Do you think that the site reaches its intended audience? Why or why not?
Yes, Google is a know brand and people will look into it if they want.
  • Is the site useful to you? Why or why not?
Yes, When I want to find out the latest news of something I use Google to find out more.
  • List on interesting fact or issue that this site addresses.
An issue is that some blogs show up. Blogs don't tend to have a reliable source.
  • Would you encourage others to visit this site?
Yes, if you want to stay current on news, it is a great website to do so.
  • How could this site be improved?
It could have a better U.I.

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